Q1Reconciled Accounts
Q1 Income and Expenditure
Q1 Reconciled Accounts
Q1 Receipts and payments
Q2 Reconciled Accounts 23-24
Q3 Reconciled Accounts 23-24
Q3 Income and Expenditure
Q4 Reconciled Accounts 23-24/
SQ4 Income and Expenditure
Q1 Budget Comparison
Q2 Reconciled Accounts
Q2 Receipts and Payments
Q3 Reconciled Accounts
Q3 Budget Comparison
Q3 Receipts and Payments
Budget 2023/24
Q4 Budget comparison
Q4 Receipts and Payments
Internal Audit Report
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23
Notice of Public Rights
Q1 List of receipts and payments
Q2 Budget Comparison
Q2 List of receipts and payments
Q3 List of receipts and payments
Budget 2022/23
Annual Governance and Accountability Return
End of Year Accounts
Amended Budget
Q2 Reconciled accounts
Q3 Reconciled accounts
Q4 List of receipts and payments
Budget 2021 22
Annual Governance & Accountability Return
Year End Accounts
Q1 Budget comparison
Q1 Cashbook
Q1 Reconciled accounts
Q2 Budget comparison
Q2 Cashbook
Q3 Budget comparison
Q3 Cashbook
Year end accounts
Budget for 2020-21
Internal audit report